Tuesday, January 15, 2008


As you saw in my last blog, I was having some trouble adjusting to the idea of not going to Crown this semester. But the Lord has proved that His wisdom is far beyond mine, and He has much in store for me here.
I started classes this Monday at Virginia Baptist College and I have enjoyed each of them thoroughly. But what I am most excited about right now is the class I take on the book of Romans on Tuesday nights. What a great book! I have already gained something valuable from the first chapter; and that is what I would like to share with you now.
In the first chapter of Romans verses 6-7 we find an amazing truth about who we are as Christians. It says we are "the called of Jesus Christ" which means as Christians we all have a purpose. Yes, there are the general purposes that apply to all Christians: to pray, give, read the Word, and attend church faithfully. But there is more, we all have a specific purpose and plan from God that we are to accomplish. How exciting it is to find out what it is and seek to accomplish it every day of your life.
Then it says that we are "beloved of God", that is exciting to me. God loves us, he wants to take care of us and bless us. He watches over us and promises to supply our every need. We serve a God who takes personal interest in every human being!
The final thing in these verses is that we are "called to be saints". That is pure, morally blameless, and consecrated. We are to be set apart for service for the Lord, unstained by the world. What an opportunity and calling. We are more than just sinners saved by grace, we are called of Jesus Christ, beloved of God, and saints. Now that is something to get excited about!